
GRAPE-6 Emulation Library

Performance tests of our GRAPE-6 emulation library. We have integrated a Plummer sphere for 0.5 timeunit with a blocked timestep code. We have measured the elapsed time for each model and computed the effective performance of the runs. In all runs, we used 1 GPU board per system.

System configuration & Summary

System CPU clock Ncore Pmax note CPU threads
Aizu 5870 Core i7 2.66GHz 4 369 dn64 8
Kiev 5870 AthlonX2 4850e 2.5GHz 2     253 dn64 2
Beijin 4870 Opteron 2376HE 2.3GHz 4     154 4
Aizu 4850 Core2 3.16GHz 2 159 2


Supported functions

// standard functions (implemented)
int g6_open(int i);
int g6_close(int i);
int g6_initialize_jp_buffer(int i, int n);
int g6_set_ti(int dev, double t);
int g6_npipes(void);
int g6_set_j_particle(int clusterid, int address, int index, double tj, double dtj, double mass,
                      double a2by18[3], double a1by6[3], double aby2[3], double v[3], double x[3]);
void g6calc_firsthalf(int clusterid, int nj, int ni, int index[], double xi[][3], double vi[][3], 
                      double fold[][3], double jold[][3], double phiold[], double eps2, double h2[]);
int g6calc_lasthalf(int clusterid, int nj, int ni, int index[], double xi[][3], double vi[][3], 
                    double eps2, double h2[], double acc[][3], double jerk[][3], double pot[]);

// standard functions (implemened but stub)
void g6_set_tunit(int newtunit);
void g6_set_xunit(int newxunit);
void g6_set_overflow_flag_test_mode(int aflag, int jflag, int pflag);
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Jul 22, 2010 6:29:32 PM

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