28 | | * "Implementing a Code Generator for Fast Matrix Multiplication in OpenCL on the GPU”, __K.Matsumoto__, __N.Nakasato__, & __S.G.Sedukhin__, 2012, IEEE MCSoC 2012, pp.198–204 |
| 30 | * “Blocked United Algorithm for the All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem on Hybrid CPU-GPU Systems”, |
| 31 | __K.Matsumoto__, __N. Nakasato__, & __S.Sedukhin__, 2012, IEICE Transactions, Vol.E95- D,No.12,pp.-,Dec. 2012. |
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| 33 | * “GRAPE-MPs: Implementation of an SIMD for quadruple/hexuple/octuple-precision arithmetic operation on a structured ASIC and an FPGA”, __N.Nakasato__, H.Daisaka, T.Fukushige, A.Kawai, J.Makino, F.Yuasa & T.Ishikawa, 2012, IEEE MCSoC 2012, pp.75–83 |
| 34 | |
| 35 | * "Implementing a Code Generator for Fast Matrix Multiplication in OpenCL on the GPU”, __K.Matsumoto__, __N.Nakasato__, & __S.G.Sedukhin__, 2012, IEEE MCSoC 2012, pp.198–204 |